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The Association for Culture and Education KIBLA is inviting writers, curators, theorists, art/culture managers and producers, artists, critics and others to participate and publish their contributions in the Folio – magazine for contemporary art, culture and the joy of life, which is primarily concerned with art-related theory and practice, i.e.
interdisciplinary, fine arts/visual/design/drawing/graphics, audio-visual, web, sound and musical arts, as well as with specific borderline fields of performing arts and film within the contemporary, as well as the historical and future European and global contexts.

The Folio platform is 50% dedicated to visual reproductions and enables reproductions of visual materials/photographs of up to 578 mm in width and 420 mm in height (double the A3 standard format). Artists and creators are invited to publish their artworks, photographs and visual works in high resolution (300dpi). We will welcome all narrative forms, from articles, commentaries, critiques, essays, contributions to the new vocabulary, drawings, reproductions, photographs, posters…

The FOLIO platform is a part of the European project Soft Control between 2012 and 2015, which provides the financial coverage of the quality printing of 1000 copies and promotion and distribution across Europe. We sincerely hope that Slovene public tenders in 2014 will provide the necessary funds to support the contributions, translations, proof reading, editing, design and national promotion and distribution of Folio magazine, which amounts to a 50% co-financing.

Folio is intended as a means of promotion of the ideas and aesthetics of contemporary artists; their work and artistic contexts in itself may not be considered as an earning instrument.

Previous editions are available at:

The final deadline to submit your contributions for the 2013/2014 edition is June 1st 2014. Texts in Slovene and English will be considered, and exceptionally also contributions in other languages, in case the editorial board should recognize an outstanding quality of such writings.

Please send any potential questions and/or materials (up to 50 MB) to the following e-mail address:


Copyright KIBLA 2012 and Respective Authors / All rights reserved

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.