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Study visit, Networking, Collaboration,
Dissemination, Presentations

from October 1, 2013 – 2015


18.10.2013 – 20.10.2013

Administrative meeting FUNDACIO AAVC, Barcelona, Spain 2013. Attended by Agnese Baranova
November, 2014 RIXC representative Daina Silina went to Dom Omladine in Belgrad to present RIXC latest projects in the framework of workshop programme.


28.01.2015 – 01.02.2015

Study visit to Transmediale 2015 in Berlin by RIXC representatives Rasa Smite and Anna Babre


26.02.2015 – 28.02.2015

Study visit to Sonic Acts festival in Amsterdam by RIXC representatives Daina Silina and Martins Ratniks.


15.05.2015 – 19.05.2015

Virtuoso exhibition artists Rihards Vitols and Paula Vitola visited KID Kibla centre in Maribor where they exhibited and presented their works as well as Daina Silina presented RIXC newest art and science projects Talk to Me and Bacteria Battery.


15.05.2015 – 19.05.2015

End meeting in Maribor attended by Daina Silina.

Copyright KIBLA 2012 and Respective Authors / All rights reserved

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.